Are Essential Oils the New Fad?

Our society is constantly looking for new and innovative ideas fix the everyday health issues.  This journey has progressively increased with a quest for healthy and natural remedies for mental and physical health challenges.

About a year ago I caught my mom walking around with little brown bottles full of smelly liquids. She described the concept of essential oils to me, but being in a mood — and being a constant critic of my mother — I laughed at the idea even though mom insisted that they were really helping her with a variety of issues. No way, no how were these for me.


About six months later I was complaining about my allergies. Before I knew it mom was recommending oils to solve my problems. However, by this time I had started hearing about oils from some of the families I work with. I decided to essential oils a try and asked my mom to order me the Young Living Essential Oils starter kit. I skeptically began my journey into essential oils by adding just a few drops of lemon and peppermint to my water bottle each day. Before I knew it I did not need to take my allergy medication. But being your typical critic, I still didn’t believe it had anything to do with the oils.


One night I could not sleep.  I tried everything.  I remembered a parent telling me she puts lavender in her diffuser and runs it before bed. So I decided to give it a try. Before I knew it, I was out cold. But I still remained a critic —it could just be coincidence.

Finally, I started to read up on essential oils and the different ways they can be used in daily living as well as around the house.  I decided that since I liked their scents and since l and I am constantly cleaning, I would take the plunge and add oils to my cleaning routines.  Wow!  The oils have made me actually enjoy cleaning — I am hooked! A few drops of essential oils lift my mood, make my house smell wonderful and in some cases actually improve the potency of my cleaning solutions.  Not too shabby!


I personally enjoy having essential oils in my life. Do I think they will create radical results and potentially cure a major disease? No, not at all. But, essential oils can help with restless nights, calm anxiety, cleansing, and even body aches and pains. So now like my mom, I carry little brown bottles of essential oils and apply and/or diffuse them regularly.  They make me happy, and I have achieved great results.


Give it them try and see for yourself.