Are you concerned that your child is isolating themselves?

Are you concerned that your child is isolating themselves? Do they spend way too much time alone in their room?

Okay parents, I hear you! It makes perfect sense.  No one wants their teen/tween isolated for hours/days on end. I get it!  And yes, they do need to eat and occasionally shower. However such actions maybe not simply be “a behavior” or even a sign of depression.  It is very possible that this “isolation” is really something your child needs to do to help them recharge and reset for the upcoming days/weeks.

Think about it from an adult perspective.  I am someone who is usually perceived as an extravert. The really is I actually have a lot of traits from both personality types —  and I secretly enjoy my introverted traits just a little bit more. My biggest introvert trait is my need and desire for alone time. I just love” me” time!  Sometimes this means locking myself in the bathroom for a long bath or to just sit in silence.  Other times this means taking a day for just me where I do not interact with others.  I run errands, workout, clean the house or even lay in bed watching Netflix’s. I personally need this quiet alone time to decompress for all the overwhelming stimuli that surrounded me all week long. Sometimes, I don’t even make it to Friday and need this down time in the middle of the week. I bet many parents can relate.

The reality is that  kids are constantly overstimulated throughout their school day. Between lesson plans, peers, bells ringing, drama, homework, extracurricular and some added hormones, it  is beyond overwhelming! No wonder teenagers run for their rooms, close the door and want to nap away the afternoon. Wouldn’t you?

The thing is, many teens have it right. They are actually demonstrating a form of self-care. This is something many parents cano learn from their children. Down time is a good thing. Rest, relaxation and the opportunity to reset is critical for all age groups. Here are a few tips to help you deal with an “isolating teenager”:

1.     Let you child know you are there for them IF they want to talk.

2.     Let them nap! (Vegging out is also a good thing)

3.     Make sure they eat regular meals.

4.     Require bathing before they leave the house

5.     Avoid nagging  — unless excessive vegging becomes a problem..

Remember: teens want to know their parent’s are their for them without being forced into unwanted conversations or interactions  — espsecially when they don’t have the needed energy.  Try giving them some space and let me know how it goes.